


A volunteer run helpline offering emotional first aid for dentists in distress.#

The DHST Helpline

Dentist Health Support Trust. The help-line is open 24/7 - 020 7224 4671

British Doctors and Dentists Group

A recovery group for doctors and dentists addicted to alcohol and/or drugs.

Support for Dental

A recovery group for doctors and dentists addicted to alcohol and/or drugs.

Sources of help for dental care professionals:

British Association of Dental Nurses

The British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy

National organisations available to everyone:

Samaritans. A charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide. Open 24 hours a day.

Scotland: National Wellbeing Hub. General resource for all healthcare workers.

SAMH for Scotland’s mental health. Coronavirus mental health information hub.

Narcotics anonymous. A non-profit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem.

Cocaine Anonymous. A fellowship of recovering addicts who maintain their individual sobriety by working with others.

Alcoholics Anonymous. A fellowship concerned with the personal recovery and continued sobriety of individual alcoholics who turn to the fellowship for help.