Welcome to the South Humberside LDC website.
We aim to promote the interests, aspirations, and welfare of dentists in the South Humberside region while ensuring that high standards of patient care and provision are achieved.
As the local representative committee for independent Dental practitioners, the LDC has the statutory right to be consulted by NHS England and its Area Teams, ICBs, MCN's on issues relating to the dental profession.
If you are paying an LDC levy, please subscribe to ensure you receive our communications and invitations to events provided by your LDC. It is important that you subscribe. You can unsubscribe at any time if you no longer wish to receive correspondence from us.
We offer information, advice, and support to dental professionals.
The LDC LDCs were set up in 1948, becoming Statutory bodies under the 1977 NHS Act. As such PCTs have to consult with the LDC on matters of local dental interest.
Dentistry is a rapidly changing profession with new regulations and guidance being published on a weekly bases. Keep up-to-date with the latest news and developments and more important be a part of the pre-discussions and help shape the future.
Representation on the NLDC. - Contract discussion with Local NHS England. - Funding of both GDPC and BDA representatives to feed local issues to a national level. - Hold AGMs where dentists can network with other dentists in their local area. - Hold 3 monthly general meetings- all welcome - Sends representation to the LDC Conference where motions are proposed for the GDPC to negotiate with the DoH. - Support members who are having difficulties. - Future interest of dentistry in the area. - Arrange Seminars and conferences for local dentists and staff.